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School of Song

Kaleidoscope Creativity: Songwriting Workshop with Laura Veirs (March '23)

Kaleidoscope Creativity: Songwriting Workshop with Laura Veirs (March '23)

Regular price $160.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $160.00 USD
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All access to lecture recordings, songwriting prompts and all course materials for Laura Veirs' songwriting workshop taught in March 2023. By purchasing this past course, you're able to watch Laura's lectures and go about the course at your own pace!

    Laura's class includes 5 lectures titled:

    1. Incorporating Randomness
    2. Pose a Question and Then Answer It
    3. Imitation and Exploration
    4. Lyrics: Two Minds Wanted
    5. Getting Organized and Building Community 

    This course also includes 4 songwriting prompts based on the lecture content of classes 1-4.


    -- Testimonials from March 2023 students --


    "I enjoyed this course so much and found it really valuable, not only seeing how you organize your songs, but also the down-to-earth way you discuss songwriting. It helped me to think of the process as a habit, rather than waiting for inspiration, and also not to be too critical or precious at the beginning of the process and to just let it flow. It has opened me up to new ways of writing, which is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much!"


    "Laura - its clear that you have a love of helping others and yearn to see them succeed. You are a gifted teacher and I sincerely thank you for taking the time to guide us on such an epic journey. I had no idea what I was getting into (even though SOS tried to tell us in the descriptions) but I couldn't be more grateful. As a fellow teacher (of math, believe it or not) I can recognize someone who hits all the right notes in her lessons - a perfect balance of challenge and motivation. You did that."



    This archived course includes:

    1. Class Video Recordings – Watch all 5 of Laura's lectures + Q&A's on her songwriting process.
    2. All course materials, including songwriting prompts crafted by Laura.
    3. Access to the "community jukebox" – upload your new songs to the jukebox and share the tunes with fellow classmates!


    Q: What musical experience is required to understand the material in this course?

    A: People across all musical levels will be able to gain something from the course. However, it will be helpful to be comfortable playing a few basic chords on any instrument of your choice in order to complete the songwriting prompts.

    Q: What if I’ve never written a song before? Can I still participate in this workshop?

    A: Yes! As with any new skill, just starting is usually the hardest part. This workshop will provide the structure and accountability we all need to get started and follow through, for beginners and old guard writers alike.

    Q: What is different about watching this past course versus participating while the workshop is run live?

    A: By purchasing this course, you'll have access to the same resources as the students who took the course while it was running other than the live songshares. 


    Questions? Email us at

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