School of Song
Artistic Self-Nourishment: Songwriting with Meg Duffy (August '21)
Artistic Self-Nourishment: Songwriting with Meg Duffy (August '21)
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All access to lecture recordings, songwriting prompts and all course materials for Meg Duffy's songwriting workshop taught in August 2021. By purchasing this past course, you're able to watch Meg's lectures and go about the course at your own pace!
Meg's lectures cover the following topics and themes:
- Working within self and externally imposed limitations as a tool to air stagnant creative ruts as well as visualization scenarios to elicit new perspectives when writing lyrics and when arranging a part or production.
- Listening deeper, developing your listening skills - Seeing with the ears. How we can listen actively to participate within a song and the difference between listening looking outward vs listening looking inward.
- Challenging what is 'standard' - standard tuning, standard structures, standard song form etc. and how you can re-harmonize simple melodies to make your progressions have more tension and color.
- Exploration of order of process - lyrics first? chords first? melody first? Where you start influences where you end up. We’ll be exploring the consequences of various starting points as well as how you can rewrite songs you love and make them your own starting points for writing.
- Identifying and combating fear and internal barriers that stop us from connecting to our own inspiration/creativity (i can't afford it, i don't know how, i am not inspired, i didn't have time, i can't figure it out etc) and perspective shifts/dedications that welcome in devotion and openness to creative practice.
This course also includes songwriting prompts from Meg such as "Gathering/Tricking", "Deep Listening", "Reharmonization", and "Harvesting Seeds".
-- Testimonials from August 2021 students --
" Overall I loved the class! Meg is a great teacher and I felt like they were very open in sharing their experience which was wonderful and made me feel comfortable and confident to pursue songwriting as I am very new to it. Love the zoom format too - I think it worked very well for this class. Thank you for doing this! I will be taking more classes in the future!"
This archived course includes:
- Class Video Recordings – Watch all 5 of Meg Duffy's lectures + Q&A's on their songwriting process.
- All course materials, including songwriting prompts crafted by Meg.
- Access to the "community jukebox" – upload your new songs to the jukebox and share the tunes with fellow classmates!
Q: What musical experience is required to understand the material in this course?
A: People across all musical levels will be able to gain something from the course. However, it will be helpful to be comfortable playing a few basic chords on any instrument of your choice in order to complete the songwriting prompts.
Q: What if I’ve never written a song before? Can I still participate in this workshop?
A: Yes! As with any new skill, just starting is usually the hardest part. This workshop will provide the structure and accountability we all need to get started and follow through, for beginners and old guard writers alike.
Q: What is different about watching this past course versus participating while the workshop is run live?
A: By purchasing this course, you'll have access to the same resources as the students who took the course while it was running other than the live songshares.
Questions? Email us at