Home Recording for the Singer-Songwriter (Feb '24 Archive)

This page includes all information for Philip's Home Recording for the Singer-Songwriter. You’ll be able to find homework assignments, course materials, etc. here. If you have any questions, email us at hi@schoolofsong.org.

Go to schoolofsong.org/go-to-class to be redirected to the zoom links for all the lectures, office hours, Q&As, and song-shares.


Class 1

Class 2

Class 3


Class 4



Create an account on our Discord server. This is where you’ll be will be able to communicate with your fellow classmates. You can access the server via Discord's iOS, Android, Desktop or web apps. Note: if you try to join the discord server and it says the link has expired, try using a different device or browser. The link never expires.

We’ve made a comprehensive Discord tutorial here. It goes over making an account, joining the SOS server, a tour of the SOS server, an explanation of regional chats, how to join private class categories/channels, and how to change notifications.

Follow the instructions on the #enter-password channel to gain access to Philip's workshop private category. The password to send to password-bot is weinrobe.

Community Jukebox

Join our song submission page (the “jukebox”) by clicking this link (password: 'weinrobe', all lower case, no quotes).

Please watch our tutorial on how to use the site. The tutorial goes over how to upload songs, listen to other students' songs, and make a 'favorites' playlist.

After you have joined via the above link, you can just access the site via the URL: songs.schoolofsong.org